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Chair of governors

Alan McPherson 

I am pleased to have been invited to become Chair of Governors for St Johns. The Governing Body will support the opening and development of the new school that I am confident will become a pillar of the community.

I became a school governor in 2015 with the intention of making a difference and giving something back to the community. I believe that effective governance adds value to school improvement and supports pupil outcomes. I have developed, through education and experience, a practical understanding of what effective governance looks like and how it can be achieved. For me, the critical requirements for a governing body are effective leadership, strategic thinking, alignment of the organisation in depth and breadth, delivery on commitments, a sense of urgency, and compassion.

I am also a member of the Independent Audit and Risk Committee for Faringdon Learning Trust.

I retired from full-time employment in 2015. I have over 40 years international HR experience primarily in energy companies and I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development. I have lived in Wantage since 1993: both of my daughters attended King Alfred’s Academy before university. My other passion is allotment gardening and I am involved with a number of local gardening associations.



Sue Hunter

I retired from a career as a specialist science teacher in 2014 and had taught in a variety of schools in the UK and abroad, including both primary and secondary phases in the maintained and independent sectors. I have also served as an inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate for a number of years and as a Science Advisory Lead for the Independent Association of Prep Schools. 

I first became a governor at Clanfield Church of England Primary School about 16 years ago and took on the role of Chair of Governors at that school.  In 2011, I moved to Wantage where I am an active member of the congregation and choir at the Parish Church.  I was then soon appointed as a Foundation governor at Wantage CE Primary School, becoming Chair of Governors shortly afterwards, taking on link governor responsibility for Teaching and Learning, SEND and Pupil Premium. I have also served as a Trustee of the Vale Academy Trust for a while and have taken an interest in St John’s since its inception and so was delighted to be invited to become a governor at the school.

My hobbies include music, painting, gardening and walking and I have three young grandchildren who keep me busy.


 Jane Tudor

I have always been involved in the nurture and education of young people, either through youth work or as an educator. Since qualifying as a secondary science teacher, teaching all sciences with Biology and Chemistry to A level, I have fulfilled several senior roles in independent senior school including Headteacher. 

Much of my experience is in curriculum development and management, with oversight of pupil progress, staff performance and development. Other roles have included examining for OCR    A Level Chemistry, a member of the Salters Chemistry Club Panel, and most recently as an inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate. In inspections, I was responsible for compliance, including boarding and safeguarding, and educational compliance and quality, mainly in the sciences and mathematics. 

Since retirement, I have helped complete our self-built Eco house, learnt to weave and enjoyed gardening, and on occasion visited some local schools to help lead assemblies. I am very excited to be joining the St John’s governing body and playing my part in establishing an excellent new school in Grove.





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