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Our Learning and Curriculum

We believe that young children are intrinsically capable of amazing things and this is our starting point for all that we do. We know a child’s development at this crucial stage has a fundamental impact on their happiness, future learning and shapes the young person they will become.

Above all, we want our children to feel happy, safe and secure. We treat every child as a unique individual. 


Our vision is to create a curriculum that sparks our children’s curiosity and aspirations through strong relationships with families and the local community. Through varied and stimulating provision we make our EYFS a place of fascination and enjoyment that awakens a lifelong desire to discover and learn for all children, whatever their needs and abilities.

Our Curriculum

Our whole school curriculum is built on four key drivers. These are the pillars that help us to deliver our vision.

The four drivers are:

Our curriculum operates within the EYFS Statutory Framework and is based on Development Matters Curriculum guidance.

Development Matters

The areas of learning covered are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Whilst delivering this curriculum, we keep the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ at the heart of all we do, striving to develop the key characteristics of ‘Playing and Learning’, ‘Active Learning’ and ‘Thinking Critically’ in order to give the children the skills that they will continue to draw upon throughout their development.


Partnership with Parents

Supporting children in learning in EYFS is very much a partnership. We strive to:

  • get to know our families and children well to support and inspire our children’s developing understanding of themselves, the local community, and beyond.
  • support our families as they grow and learn together so children access a wider range of  learning experiences at home as well as at school.
  • recognise and celebrate the cultural diversity at our school and use this as a resource for learning

Through the key worker approach, we enable regular two-way conversations with parents to support learning and social development. 



Stanley Hall Road
OX12 0GR


01235 933303
