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School Admission Arrangements 2025/26

We welcome everyone to St John's. You do not need to hold any religious beliefs or attend church to be part of our school. Our admission policy reflects the Church of England view that “schools are established primarily for the communities they are located in.  They are inclusive and serve equally those of other faiths and those with no faith.”

Published Admission Number (PAN)

St John’s CE Academy has an admission number of 60 for entry to Reception. The school will admit this number of pupils each year if there are sufficient applications. Where fewer applicants than the PAN are received, St John’s will offer places to all those who have applied.

When Oxfordshire County Council allocates places to children reaching statutory school age, there may be a greater demand than are places available. In cases like this, over-subscription criteria will apply in the allocation of places. Please refer to our Admissions Policy below for further details.



Catchment AREA

Below is a document that shows the catchment area for our school. You can also find an interactive Google map showing street names below:


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Stanley Hall Road
OX12 0GR


01235 933303
